Group Production Task - Reflection/evaluation:

Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during the filming of your project
During the film process my group encounted a couple of problems. Our first problem was that we couldn’t match up our schedules and so only 3 of us could film on a Saturday. Our second problem was that we had to go back and film other parts that weren’t as good when we watched them.

Describe any skills, techniques or tricks you have discovered during the project
During the filming process I discovered that using the camera you could focus on something in the foreground and have everything in the background unfocused. I also discovered some interesting angles to shoot from.

Are you satisfied with your film process so far? How could you improve this?
I am satisfied with how the filming process went but we probably could have managed my time better.

Have you managed your time effectively?
I managed my time well but I could have managed it a lot better and possibly not wasted as much time.

Are there things that you would like to change?
Yes, I would like to change my story

If you could start again what would you do differently?
I would have liked to changed my story line and also have shot the film differently

No, we had an issue with the macbook computer so the editing was done on a different program.

Does your group have a backup copy of the original footage?
Yes, we all do.

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