Key Characters and Key Locations

Key Characters

Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood is a prankster. She enjoys pulling tricks and is very clever. She, Grams and her mum are in on a big prank she is about to pull off. She lives with her mum.

Mr. Wolf
He is a known food stealer and the villagers dislike him. He is quiet but not a very good hunter.

Grams is quite an energetic senior citizen and has been training for this prank for quite awhile, running laps around her house. She is the brain of the operation.

The Great Axeman
Unknown to him he is part of the plan. He is also Little Red Riding Hood’s father

Little Red Riding Hood’s Mother
She plays a minor part in the trick but she did have to bake all of the food. She is a great cook.

Key Locations

Dark Woods
The Dark Woods contain lots of trees mainly red gums with droopy, scary looking branches. Very menacing. Very little light will filter through the treetops, but close to the quaint pebble path lots of beautiful yellow and purple flowers grow. They have huge faces and seek out the sun.

Gram’s Cottage
She owns a charming, picturesque little cottage with white stoned walls and a wooden planked roof. She has a small garden with vines going up the sides of her house. A picture of paradise in the dark


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