
Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during post-production and editing. These may include; technical difficulties, corrupt or missing files, group related issues. etc;

As a group we had so many problems it’s hard to count them on one hand. Our group had arguments on whose idea we should use. Eventually they all chose mine. We shot our first film but we weren’t organised and so we missed a large array of shots. As a group we decided that instead of getting the extra shots we should just shoot again. Our lead cinematographer was away and so we had to substitute her with someone who was not up to her standard and so the second film had all the shots and flowed well but it had no cinematography to it. So once again we had to re-shoot. This time our lead cinematographer was able to film and took it on herself to shoot the whole film on the weekend. Once the film had been shot, our group decided that it was smart if only two member edited and for the other three to find music and start the soundtrack. While these two girls were editing they encountered technical problems. The started editing and had edited a considerable amount of the film but then the next lesson the USB corrupted putting them back to the beginning. The started again and were halfway through when they found out it didn’t save properly to the scratch disk. The third and final time they started (threes the charm) it properly saved and the completed the editing. After we picked all of the songs, one group member left so the two of us were fixing the soundtrack. After all of the songs and the film had been imported into garage band I set to work getting rid of all of the non important background noise and laughing. I found this very difficult until my teacher showed me a useful technique in deleting background noise with out making the soundtrack out of sync with the film.

Explain whether your pre-production and planning helped during post-production. In particular, discuss whether the use of devices such as storyboards, shot-lists, and rough edits assisted in the editing process;

As we refilmed three times and so for the first film we did have a shot list and storyboards but they weren’t used as we slightly altered the storyline. But for the 3rd and final effort we make a proper shot list and props list and this helped in the post production when we were editing as we knew what we wanted out of the shots we had.

Clarify any time-management issues you encountered during the editing process and describe the steps you implemented to improve in this area;

Our group was extremely unorganised and it is not a single persons fault. We split up the work between us all and although some of us completed what we were supposed too others didn’t which set us back. We also constantly argued about the genre of the film and whose film we ‘should’ have shot.

Discuss whether you made effective use of the provided templates (EDL and Sound Design) to assist in the editing and decision making process;

Our EDL was part of our shot list. Our shot list included what we wanted out of our shots. We didn’t use a SD template as shooting our three films had taken up a lot of time and we were extremely rushed in making the soundtrack.

Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection to throughout your project. Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Look back at your blogs/journals and think about whether it looks like a whole terms worth of work).

My blog is slightly inadequate in that I don’t have all of the reflections but I did post all of the pre-production work.

List any skills, techniques or tricks you have discovered during the project.

During the project I learnt how to use Final Cut, and Garage Band. I learnt a good technique in garage band about how to edit the background noise without making the soundtrack out of sync with the film.

Discuss YOUR feelings about the production task:

Are you satisfied with the final result?

I am happy about how the film turned out. For rushed work it is good, it had sufficient cinematography and a matching soundtrack

Would like to change any aspects of your film?

I would have liked to make the film a little more serious but that is the way the actors interpreted it.

If you could start the project again what would you do differently?

I would definitely be more organised and would have liked to shoot a film like this on the first go.


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